For those not aware, The Order: 1886 was a PS4 exclusive that was hyped beyond belief. It took place in Ripper-era London with an incarnation of the Knights of the Round Table who hunted lycans using special weapons designed by Nikola Tesla. It sounds amazing and gamers were hyped beyond belief. The graphics showcased before the game was released were almost movie quality. This was why we had gotten the PS4, for The Order: 1886.
Unfortunately The Order was widely panned and many gamers traded in the game back to GameStop after beating it in five hours. So how could I possibly defend something like that? Because it’s on sale for 20 dollars at Target.

There is no denying that The Order: 1886 is a rip-off at $6o, but it’s probably one of the best $20 games you can buy at the moment. I will concede some of the games weaker points: barely any werewolves, criminally short length, and some underdeveloped plot points.

However, The Order has beautiful visuals, solid gameplay, wicked cool weapons, and good characters. Much like Watch_Dogs, The Order was hyped too much and treated quite harshly upon release when it didn’t live up to the lofty expectations. Playing through the game the first time was honestly a blast and certainly longer than that glorified demo Ground Zeroes. Now that the price has decreased to a reasonably range, I think it’s time that consumers gave The Order: 1886 a shot. Just the other day I used a gun that sprays thermite and lights it all up with a flare. Then I shot a guys leg off. I stabbed a werewolf twelve times. I blew people up with a gun that shoots lightning bolts. If none of that appeals to you, I’m just not sure what will.
Have you played The Order:1886? Will you buy it for 20 dollars, or is it still a waste of money? Let us know in the comments below!