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The holidays are nearly upon us, and if you’re looking for the perfect gift for the fighting game fan in your life, look no further. We’ve compiled a list of unique and must-have items that go beyond the standard games and controllers. Whether they’re a casual button masher or a try-hard who regularly replaces their controllers due to technical difficulties (we all know at least one), we’ve got something for every skill level and budget. Get ready to level up your favorite fighting game fan’s holiday experience with a knockout gift.
The Simplest Options For Those On a Budget
Sometimes the classics are classic for a reason. Figurines, wall posters, vinyl soundtracks, T-shirts, phone cases, and other collectibles are an easy way to show off a love for fighting games. For Street Fighter 6 fans, consider limited edition Pop! figures or the latest apparel drop from Capcom’s online store. Tekken 8 enthusiasts might appreciate a high-quality statue of their favorite character or a framed art print showcasing the iconic character designs. Simply going to Redbubble or Fangamer and finding their favorite game or character goes a long way.
They have The Game, But They Can Have More With a Season Pass

A season pass is a gift that keeps on giving, offering a steady drip of new content for months to come. In 2024, several prominent fighting games might have compelling season pass offerings. The best season passes in 2024 include Street Fighter 6 year 2 DLC, Tekken 8, Mortal Kombat 1’s Kaos Reigns expansion, and Guilty Gear Strive season 4. These passes typically include new characters and stages only, so buying character costumes alone as a gift is a game-changer for someone who loves fighting games and spends a lot of time in them.
Fighting Game Fans Can Level Up During The Holiday Season
If the fighting game fanatic in your life is often found tilted or salty after a prolonged ranked session, perhaps it is time to take things a bit more seriously. Everyone who plays fighting games seriously has scoured YouTube and watched every video out there (yes, even Smash players can learn and improve, unbelievable, I know). So the best option is to find an actual coach, and there’s no shortage out there. Every major fighting game has pro players making paid coaching videos, sessions, classes, replay reviews, and a plethora of other services. The best place to find them is on Metafy.
The Controllers To Take Their Fighting Game Skills To The Next Level During The Holidays
No, these aren’t your run-of-the-mill fighting gamepads that no one actually uses since they’re essentially the same as standard controllers. If your target audience plays fighting games seriously, getting a hitbox (or leverless or buttonbox) or a professional-grade arcade stick can’t be topped when it comes to the actual gameplay and skill ceiling. The best arcade stick option out there is a Victrix Pro FS or a Haute 42 (currently in the process of rebranding to Cosmox Gaming) leverless controller that is both cheaper and more customizable than something like a Snackbox Micro.
Show Them Why They Became a Fighting Game Fan in The First Place This Holiday Season

By far the most overlooked, and most impactful thing you can give to someone who loves fighting games is a trip to an actual fighting game event. Whether that is as a competitor to get the blood flowing, or just in a viewing capacity, if you’ve never been to a fighting game tournament, this can be life-changing. There are a ton of tournaments for every fighting game out there, even unconventional fighting games like Dragon Ball Sparking Zero or older gems like Marvel Vs. Capcom Fighting Collection, that you can take part in. The best place to find out when you will have a tournament near you for your favorite game is Liquipedia.