Whenever Gallade appears in Pokemon Go Raids, boost your chances of winning by studying its weaknesses to counter the Psychic/Fighting-type. Not only will you come out on top in a tough battle, but you can catch the male version of Kirlia’s evolution if you haven’t scored one before. There are pros and cons you can work with thanks to it being a dual-type pocket monster. It has many vulnerabilities, but it also resists some heavy-hitting Pokemon. Balance is key to winning this Raid encounter.
[Updated September 17, 2024 – revamped with extra tips and new links]
Gallade Weaknesses and Best Counters in Pokemon Go

With Gallade being Psychic/Fighting, it’s highly vulnerable to Flying, Ghost, and Fairy-type moves in any Pokemon Go Raid. A balanced team of around 1-3 Trainers can take it out with minimal damage using a combination of Pokemon like the following:
- Mega Gengar (Ghost/Poison): Lick and Shadow Ball
- Moltres (Fire/Flying): Wing Attack and Sky Attack
- Rayquaza (Dragon/Flying): Air Slash and Dragon Ascent
- Togekiss (Fairy/Flying): Air Slash and Dazzling Gleam
- Chandelure (Ghost/Fire): Hex and Shadow Ball
- Staraptor (Normal/Flying): Gust and Brave Bird
As with any Pokemon Go Raid, you can quickly best Gallade if you use Mega variants. However, they aren’t a necessity as you can beat them all the same with standard Pokemon. Just stick to targeting Gallade’s weaknesses with your strongest Pokemon as that will both whittle away its HP while keeping your companions from fainting too soon.
Considering most of our recommended Pokemon to battle Gallade in a Raid have Flying-centric abilities, it’s a good move type to focus on using. These types of pocket monsters have the bonus of not being affected too severely by Gallade’s go-to moves either, so they can hold their ground as well as they can dish out damage.
What to Avoid When Battling Gallade
Gallade has several weaknesses and counters in Pokemon Go, but it can turn the tables around quickly if you choose the wrong companion in a Raid. The pocket monster has great resistance to Fighting and Rock-types. So, using any of those moves will do next to nothing and simply waste your turns in a Raid.
And although Gallade is a dual-type, its best moves are Psychic-based. These moves can do great harm to Poison and Fighting-type Pokemon, which can make things a bit difficult against Gallade in a Pokemon Go Raid. Gengar, for example, can certainly take Gallade out, but it can also receive some heavy damage if you’re not careful. So, keep both Gallade’s strengths and weaknesses in mind whenever you battle it.