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Marvel’s Predator Vs. Wolverine series has seen the titular characters battling throughout the years. Each issue reveals that Wolverine’s life has been plagued by the Predator, who wants to kill the “unkillable” mutant. The first issue showed the duo locked in battle in the wilds of Canada during the 1900s. This was followed by a fight in South America sometime later. Now, the third issue finds them in Japan in the present, However, flashbacks reveal a surprise twist to this feud and Logan’s origins.
Predator Vs. Wolverine

Predator Vs. Wolverine #3 takes us back to Logan’s Weapon X days. In Wolverine’s timeline, this is when he was given his adamantium skeleton. Most X-Men fans know this part of Logan’s origins; however, the issue adds a shocking twist. The Predator that Wolverine has faced tracks him to the Weapon X facility. Finding Logan now equipped with an indestructible skeleton, the alien decides to take Logan as a trophy. So, it melts Wolverine’s face off and drags him back to its ship.
Of course, Logan begins to heal on the ship and eventually escapes, falling miles down to Earth’s surface. He is recovered by Weapon X and taken back to the facility. However, Logan is not the only thing that fell from the ship. One of Predator’s masks also landed on Earth and was nabbed. This mask is used by the program and the issue reveals that it is what makes Wolverine’s iconic Weapon X mask seen in the comics.
Shaking Up The X-Men
This Predator Vs. Wolverine revelation is not the first X-Men origin to be altered this week. Nightcrawler and Mystique’s relationship has been altered forever in the pages of X-Men Blue: Origins. While it is not surprising for characters to get their backstories altered, the timing on these is surprising. The ongoing Fall of X event is bringing the current age of the X-Men to a close. Beginning sometime next year, a new age for the mutants begins. While we have no clue what this new age will bring, the sudden interest in retconning and altering backstories may be a major clue as to what to expect.
Predator Vs. Wolverine #3 is out now from Marvel.