Every day brings us the chance of another Karen, and unsurprisingly, another has reared her ugly head in New York. Indeed, a rude Karen spouting racist remarks has been spotted, this time attending the Broadway Comedy Club near Times Square and the Broadway Theater District. While watching stand-up comedian Troy Bond’s routine, the Karen heckled him and yelled the n-word. The incident was recorded on film and is currently gaining traction online.
Straightaway, the two-minute clip starts with a woman in the crowd shouting the n-word at Troy Bond, though it’s a little tricky to hear the first time as other audience members are talking at the same time. In reaction to the racist remark, Bond fires, “Whooa! That was a hard N! Say it again for the rest of the class?” The second time around, the Karen in question is a lot clearer: “I said no n****r!” In response, the crowd pipes up, jeering the impolite lady.
Next, a security guard walks on-stage sporting a red puffer jacket with his eyes locked on the heckler. “That’s the severity of this.” declares Bond, though as soon as the bouncer is stood between Bond and the Karen, he jokingly makes a mockery of the situation by egging on the lady and provoking her, while hiding behind the bouncer. “Yeah, say something about it, b***h! Do something motherf****r! What you gonna do, b***h?” shouts the comedian to a roomful of laughter. Even the bouncer breaks into laughter at Bond’s japes. “He’s my probation officer.” quips the 29-year-old. As a warning, the bouncer clarifies to the Karen, “Do that and you’re gonna have to leave.”
In an interesting turn of events, however, the Karen doesn’t calm down but gets increasingly more irate. Pointing her finger, she storms the stage and starts yelling at the security guard as she follows him off stage. The Karen then returns to the stage and attempts to snatch the microphone from the comedian, though he coolly moves it out of her reach. As this unfolds, Bond jokes, “This is the weirdest career day of my life.” The end of the clip devolves into shouting and yelling, though it’s clear that the woman has been ejected from the club by the security guard.
In a longer version of the incident over on Troy Bond‘s official YouTube channel, after the Karen gets ejected, the comedian shared with the audience, “I dunno if you’ve ever been to a comedy show before, [they] usually don’t go down like that. But when it does, you all did exactly what I wanted you to, which is to shut the f*** up and let the white girl say the n-words.”
With footage of the awkward incident gathering momentum online, the internet was quick to flood the comments section to air their thoughts on what they’d witnessed. Firstly, a Redditor weighed in writing, “The effortless mic dodge when she goes to grab it was slick. Doesn’t even change his facial expression.” Another commenter, meanwhile, chimed in expressing, ““Bad Karen, no microphone!” Should’ve bopped her on the head“. Lastly, a third netizen on Youtube added, “I never understand why ppl like that come to comedy shows…“