Realm Royale Reforged has received a new April update today, April 26, 2023, and we have compiled the complete list of changes and fixes. The update adds Realm Wars to the new map, which will last 15 minutes per round. Let us check out today’s update patch notes for Realm Royale Reforged.
Realm Royale Reforged April 26, 2023 Update Patch Notes
Patch 5 is scheduled to go out tomorrow!🎉🫡
Servers go down tomorrow morning and we put together a quick video to get everyone up to speed for the Primal Island update💀🏝️
See you tomorrow and thank you for everything 🐔
— Realm Royale Reforged (@RealmRoyale) April 26, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Chests fixed to be multi-lootable again (single lootable was a bug / never intended)
- Primary cause of Hunter T-Pose fixed — monitoring to see if there are additional causes
- Armor regen after revive will work normally
- Animation canceling on PC by tapping equipped weapon key fixed
Quality of Life:
- Fog damage reduced
- The healing station is droppable after 1s of use
- Shard count in a stack added to UI
- Potion count in a stack added to UI
- API: Now tracks player kills separately from bot kills
- API: Now tracks damage to armor in the damage stat (previously, only hp was tracked)
Balance Changes: Realm Royale Reforged April Update
- Revolver reworked into new “Hand Cannon.” Harder hitting, slower firing, and projectile based instead of hit scan. Optimal in close range but has high damage falloff and has limited use in long-range fights.
- Auto Sniper reworked into a DMR-style weapon. Fast firing scoped weapon with lower damage and higher ammo.
- Rocket dash and Thrust cooldown from 14/13/12/11 to 15/14/13/12
- Deploy Turret cooldown from 16/15/13/12 to 16/15/14/13, duration from 12 to 13s
- Betty’s Grenade Launcher heals from 80/100/120 to 80/120/180
- Decoy invis time from 2s to 1.5s
- Sniper rifle zoom time from 0.25 to 0.28
- Sniper rifle now has a 0.4s “grace window” for reloading to complete if an ability is used while reloading
- Javelin projectile size lowered, damage curve changed from 20/120 to 20/150
- Heroic leap cooldown from 17/16/15/14 to 16/15/14/13
- Charge forward movement stops on impact with a player
- Ice Staff projectile speed from 2000 to 1900, and damage from 205/250/300 to 200/240/280
- Fireball cooldown from 17/14/12/11 to 15/14/13/12
Realm Royale Reforged is available for PlayStation 4,