The Kickstarter campaign for WayForward’s new project, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, has reached its donation goal. With that accomplished, it is now time for backers to make a choice. Those who donated to the game’s campaign have the option of voting on the design for Shantae’s rival genie, which will replace her in the Fire and Forget chapter. Only those who backed the Kickstarter project are allowed to vote and the window closes May 13, 2016.

Fans have also asked about the distribution of physical copies for the game. As WayForward is a digital distributor, they must work with other publishing companies in order for game cartridges to be produced. Such was the case with Pirate’s Curse. The good news is, WayForward has already entered into talks with publishers for making physical Shantae copies. They will still be the distributors of the digital versions, and the physical ports will not affect any game content.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero sees the titular heroine awakened from slumber and drawn into a forest. From there, she is transported to the genie realm where a seal holding back an evil power is about to break. Finding herself suddenly back in her bed, Scuttle Town’s guardian must locate the source of this new evil and banish it forever. And just in case this mystery and her new rival aren’t enough to excite fans, all backers of the campaign get access to free DLC: alternate costumes for Shantae and pirate girl Risky, and a bladed weapon straight from Hyper Light Drifter.

Due to certain additional stretch goals being met, the following additional content is also in development for the game: a separate story mode for Risky Boots, a bonus chapter for Shantae, and the ability to replay the adventure with new stats, powers, and costumes, including a sweet-looking ninja outfit. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero will soon be available on PC,