Snorg Tees sent us a package of t-shirts from their collection to share with you. specializes in t-shirts that are inspired by pop-culture. Their employees are responsible for many of their designs but their designs also come from customers and people like you and me! They encourage anyone to send them a design and take a chance they put it into production. So, what designs did we get in our package? Let’s take a look…

Okay all you Mortal Kombat fans, check out this “Body By Goro” t-shirt. If you are a Mortal Kombat fan, you do not need an introduction to Goro. If, like me, you have no idea who he is, I did some research and here is what I found on Wikia:
Goro is one of the original characters debuting in the first Mortal Kombat arcade game as the sub-boss, and later appeared as the sub-boss of Mortal Kombat 4 (only available on home consoles). He first became playable in the Game Boy port of Mortal Kombat. He appeared as a four-armed Shokan warrior who had been the champion of the Mortal Kombat tournament for nine generations, remaining undefeated for 500 years. Goro is among Shao Kahn’s favorite warriors and is well known for his power and brutality. Goro helped the emperor grow closer to dominating Earthrealm, but he lost at the tenth while fighting against Liu Kang, who later defeated the sorcerer Shang Tsung.
So, it is safe to say, he was a pretty tough character in the Mortal Kombat game. You can purchase this shirt for as low as $16.00 on

This shirt is a clever, Star Wars inspired t-shirt. You can purchase this shirt for $16.00. Snorg Tees usually has a humorous quote that they use to caption their products. I found the quote, “Too late you learn, they are raisin cookies” pretty funny. Out of curiosity, I looked to see if I could find out more about this quote and ended up on the and a pretty witty definition for The Dark Side:
some guy: “ok”
some guy: “hey where are the cookies?!??!!!?!”
evil dude: “its the dark side, what did you expect”

Another Star Wars inspired t-shirt. So, you do know where Tatooine is, right? Even I know this one. Well, sort of. I know it’s a place in the Star Wars movies. And, after looking it up, I know its significance. It was the place where Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker both grew up, and the place where Obi-Wan Kenobi spent years in hiding. Someone told me the skeleton is most likely one of their relative who was buried there, parents maybe? Snorg Tees labeled it “The most interesting giant desert you’ve ever seen.” You can purchase this shirt for $16.00 at
As usual, SnorgTees sent some unique products. What makes them unique is the fact their employees and customers are the designers which means you aren’t going to find them just anywhere.
Head over to and check out all of their products… If you buy something, let us know how you like it. If you are a customer already, let us know your thoughts.