The PlayStation Instant Game Collection has been one of the major initiatives that has helped Sony in the console wars since it was launched back in 2010. It has proven so popular that Microsoft quickly followed up with their own version “Games With Gold”. But now, to shake up the formula, Sony will be allowing players to vote on what games will be added to the Collection.
Announced over on the Official PlayStation Blog, the new system is called Vote To Play, and will allow PS Plus members to vote on the next PS4 game to be added to the Instant Game Collection. Members will be able to pick from several different PS4 games, and the game with the most votes is automatically added to the following months Instant Game Collection. For the first promotion, Sony will also let PS Plus members buy the runner up games at a discount.

There is still a lot of information that Sony has yet to release on Vote To Play. Such as how exactly users will vote, what kind of titles will be available (Indie, Triple-A, both?) and when the first vote will actually take place. The Instant Game Collection has always mostly been made up of notable indie titles with a sprinkling of triple-A games added every so often, so it will be interesting to see how voting will affect this.
Considering the number of titles given away each month has increased since it originally started, and users are now being offered the chance to potentially choose what games they get, Sony is seriously trying to give players as much value as possible. With games given away across the PS Vita, PS3 and PS4, there is no denying that PS Plus membership can be potentially very rewarding for owners of two or more Sony systems.
More information on Vote To Play is expected to be released this Fall.