It’s fall once again, time to rake up leaves, make hot cocoa, and get ready for Halloween. This year, a number of game companies are collaborating for the season. There’s some new content and updates to get you into the spirit of this spooky holiday. Some are new games and some are in-game seasonal offerings. But no matter what your feelings about this season, this new content looks amazing.
Spooky Fun… in Hell
For starters, we have a game that sends you to hell… to get drunk. In the new game Afterparty, you have to win a drinking contest… with Satan. Afterparty starts with best friends Milo and Lola realizing they are dead and in Hell. But they can make their way back to earth if they drink Satan under the table. There are fun drinking games like beer pong and chugging contests. Not to mention dance-offs and a conversation system that changes the game with every decision. This game is looking to be a spooky addition to your collection this fall. It drops for PC,
Halloween with Batman

If you haven’t played any of the Telltale series then you are missing out on a lot of fun. With adaptations of things from The Walking Dead to Back to the Future, they’ve got their bases covered. The Telltale Batman series is perfect for Halloween, combining masks, spooky villains, and scares for all. In Batman: The Telltale Series, players will experience a gritty five-episode story. During this, they will make discoveries and decisions that could shatter Bruce Wayne and a corrupt Gotham City. Not only that, but the sequel is also being offered this season. In Batman: The Enemy Within, Discover the true reaches of your decisions as you make your way into the mind of Batman this Halloween season. Batman: The Telltale Series is available for Xbox One, Playstation 4, PC, Apple, and Android. Batman: The Enemy Within is available for each of these systems as well: Xbox One, PS4, PC, Apple, and Android.
Spooky Autumn Festival
For those who are currently playing Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia, you probably already know about the Autumn Festival. It began on October 10 and will run all the way until November 7. Players can take part in non-challenging Trick-or-treat co-op quests to celebrate Halloween together. The ‘treats’ are everything from Artifact Tokens and Linkbell Rewards to limited-time animated Halloween stickers. Part one of the festivities will run from October 10-24, with part two picking up October 24-November 7. Limited-Time festive gem sales will also run through parts 1 and 2. All of this celebration will definitely get you into the Halloween spirit, even if it’s just for gems and fun.
Spooky Twists on Classics
Player Unknown: Battlegrounds has also gotten into the Halloween Spirit. There are several spooky and fun costumes to purchase in the store. The costumes can be bought piece by piece or you can pick up the whole costume. Buying the whole costume adds the bonus of a 33% discount, but then you can’t mix and match. No matter how you choose to dress up for this season, you can always find a good costume in PUB: G.

The Sims are getting into the Halloween fun as well with their latest update The Sims 4: Realm of Magic. This adds the seemingly normal town of Glimmerbrook and tantalizes Simmers with a magical portal. Through the portal, there is a magical world where you can cast spells and brew potions. Check out the release trailer to find out more about how to celebrate this spooky holiday with your Sims.
Team Sonic Racing is a massively fast racing game taking place in the Sonic The Hedgehog universe. This fast-paced racer not only has all the break-neck speed of usual Sonic games, it also has a spooky twist. This season is the PERFECT time to revisit the Haunted Castle map and take a supernatural ride. Don’t get too spooked, remember it’s a race so no one will make fun of you for running. Besides, it’s not nearly as scary as that Sonic costume…
Howl at the Moon!
If you like werewolves, then look no further for your spooky fun this Halloween than The Wolf Among Us. Based on the award-winning Fables comics from DC/Vertigo, this is a gritty, bloody, and violent thriller game. You play as Bigby Wolf (the big bad wolf), and a gruesome murder is just the beginning. Creatures from myth, lore, and legend are real, and you aren’t the only thing going bump in the night. Each decision you make can have enormous consequences, making for a frighteningly good time. Check out this game on Xbox, Playstation, PC, Android, and Apple.
With all this Halloween fun available this fall, there’s no excuse not to be in the spirit. There’s enough spooky games for all of us out here. So grab your Halloween costumes and some apple cider. This October is going to be one for the ages.