I’ve been more or less a proud player of World of Warcraft for 15 years. I say more or less because this pursuit has taken more money from me than my student loans. It became a toxic relationship after Shadowlands that, despite the disappointment and rolling my eyes so hard they almost popped out of my skull due to its recent plot points, I’m still here. Yes, I enjoy playing WoW Classic much more nowadays, but retail has a place in my heart, too. Since I’ve grown tired of flying in my slick dragon lately, the fact that Mists of Pandaria is getting a ‘Remix’ version finally brought a smile to my face.
Mists of Pandaria Remix Brings the Seasonal Fun of Diablo to WoW

While I await the inevitable release of Mists of Pandaria Classic in four years, its ‘Remix’ version sounds more appealing. Through an official post, Blizzard announced this limited-time content is in development and planned for update 10.2.7. In it, players can return to Mists of Pandaria with a set of gimmicks. Leveling will be much faster; there’ll be a lot of loot and even new transmog options. On paper, it sounds like a season in Diablo, which at least I liked in the third installment. And now, having this in WoW with one of my favorite expansions is amazing.
Many fans think, and I agree with them, that Blizzard is going down this path due to the success of Season of Discovery, one of the best things in the MMO. Now, Mists of Pandaria Remix doesn’t sound as deep as SoD yet, but it’s a start. Returning to panda-land to get new gear, cosmetics, and even mounts, plus a fast leveling experience, is a win on all sides. Oh yeah, and you get to keep the character for The War Within, which is great because I can’t go through the same old expansions over and over without something new.
WoW Noblegarden 2024 Event GuideOverall, I feel Blizzard is finally taking things in the right direction. It might’ve taken the company a while to understand its playerbase, but the combination of classic elements combined with modern gimmicks is something I can’t get enough of. While I wasn’t excited for Dragonflight’s latest patch, Pandaria has reignited my excitement to dust off my 20 characters and return to this MMO.