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Today, the Sun just so happens to be in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer, which means you might be feeling some hints at your more competitive side reaching through the surface. While that’s not always the greatest, in this case, it could cause problems in the future. Despite the stars, we should all be doing our best to focus on healing today, but what method is the best for you? Each Zodiac sign handles healing differently, just as each individual does, but according to your Sun sign, some ways might make your healing journey a bit easier.
As an Aries, you’ll need to look deep within yourself to find your biggest passions. The moon, which focuses strongly on healing, urges you to focus on your emotions and those things that you find the most enjoyment in. Search for your interests and projects you want to work on, and share them with others. Let people rain positivity on you and your work, but know that you are only one person, and you can’t please everyone. Steer clear of those who haven’t been the most supportive in your past, and make sure you dump some time into building up your energy and motivation. This evening, you might even be surprised by something.
Much like with Aries, that Leo Moon and Chiron alignment is working wonders for our deep dives within. However, to make some progress in your healing today, Taurus, you’ll need to give some love and care to your inner child. Now’s the time for some shadow work. Love and accept yourself and your inner child for who you are, and allow yourself to fully feel and process the emotions you’ve carried for so long. Though, you don’t have to face them alone. Ask a friend or loved one to face them with you, as a helping hand or rock to ground you. Be aware of your emotions today, especially when they relate to your family.
To focus on your healing today, Gemini, you’ll put the focus much more outward than your peers. While some look inside, you’ll search for anything you can do to help others that mean something to you. Have you ever met a Gemini that didn’t thrive while doing anything they could to make a friend’s day better? Neither have I. With the Leo moon and Chiron in alignment, all of that impressive influence you have over others previously is increased greatly, and as long as you lead by example, others will follow. This evening, be sure to think carefully before you make moves. Don’t let your emotions take over; bathe your mind in positive thoughts and logical reasoning.
When it comes to being a Cancer, you don’t personally have to do much to promote healing for yourself. The Leo moon/Chiron alignment is doing all the work for you already, so you need to sit back and enjoy the ride. The main idea here is that you relax and let others show you just how much they value and appreciate you. Trust in the process and your healing will move in massive strides rather than baby steps. Additionally, now is a great time to step back and focus on yourself rather than others. You don’t need to please anyone other than you. This evening, you will benefit greatly from spending time outside, beneath the stars, free of distractions.
Leo’s have already had a rough week with the Wolf Moon in Cancer, wreaking havoc on their emotions. Now, however, it’s time to really focus on the fact that you aren’t alone, and reinforce those positive affirmations. You’re an amazing being; you get things done, and you do them well. Don’t take your healing into your own hands; let it come naturally today. Enjoy those around you and let them pour their love and admiration into you. You might come across creative blocks or confrontations this evening, but that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to put them off until tomorrow while you stay focused on yourself and those you love.
As a Virgo, you tend to find happy mediums. Healing is no different. Rather than looking solely inward or externally, you’ll need a combination of the two—a happy medium. Do your best to do some shadow work and try your hardest, but don’t be afraid to let others give a helping hand and lead you in the right direction if you need them to. The weight of the world doesn’t need to rest solely on you. You might not always like to let others in, but it will do you good to step past those mental barriers and set yourself free today. However, this evening would be best for you to spend some time in solitude. Bring yourself back to your roots and release negativity through meditation.
Much like Gemini today, you’ll let those around you promote healing rather than looking to yourself for it, Libra. With the Leo moon in alignment with Chiron, be sure to accept any love and support that your community, friends, and family offer you today. Reconnect with old friends and reinforce connections with new friends. Be aware that some people might also seek to take advantage of you today, so keep those walls in place. This evening might be a great time to go offline for a while. Avoid doom-scrolling and watching the news.
It’s never been a question of how strong you are, or how independent and self-sufficient you are. It’s a matter of remembering that you are. Keep that in mind Today with the Leo moon and Chiron aligning. Build yourself up, reinforce your strengths, and watch out for new opportunities. Today is all about looking to the future and preparing. Make moves that set yourself in motion to reach your goals. However, this evening, when the Moon squares Uranus, you should be aware of others and the boundaries they’ve put in place. Respect them, and show love in ways that don’t push others’ limits.
Mantras. Mantras. Mantras. There isn’t too much more I can really say about what you need to be working on, as a Sagittarius, to heal today. All those positive mantras you have, and yes, we know you have them, need to be repeated. Build yourself up to the best of your ability and don’t let anything stand in your way. With the Capricorn Sun opposing Mars Rx, you must ensure you don’t let your insecurities get in the way. This evening, set aside time for any spiritual work you’ve been putting off. Do a bit of meditation, light a candle or two, and do your thing.
Your primary focus needs to be yourself today. Rather than trying to heal from your past or working through emotions, focus on loving yourself and accepting yourself for who you are. Only then, will the healing begin. The Leo moon, in alignment with Chiron, brings the energy of improvement and progress. Take in your situation, but don’t take anything less than what you need to improve your relationship with yourself today. Tonight, though, is the night to get rid of your ego. It doesn’t have any business being anywhere near you. Instead, allow yourself to open up and listen to your needs.
Today, you’re going to have trouble healing by yourself. Let your walls down, and allow those who love you to heal you through their conversation and attention. Spend your time talking about the things you love, sharing your bright idea this morning, or opening up about how passionately you feel about something. Distractions will be abundant today, but you’ll get through them. This evening, though, you might find that your home life is rather strenuous and unorganized. Plan. Prep. Stay on task.
Today, you’ll be manifesting your own healing, Pisces. Manifestation has always been your strong suit, but today, it’ll soar to new heights. Thing clearly and loudly about your dreams and aspirations and prepare yourself for the coming steps. Be sure not to be distracted by those around you today, and stay focused on the task at hand. Your friends are around, and they’ll still be there later. Today, though, is all about you. Once youare near the evening hours, spend some time away from your phone and other electronic devices. You might have some trouble sleeping otherwise.