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It’s time to jump into the match, meaning you have seconds to decide who you will be. Rainbow Six Siege offers more than 60 characters to choose from though. Do you go for the veterans or try some of the newer additions? Deciding on the best Operators in Rainbow Six Siege puts you in the position to break down top-tier attackers and defenders. Since there’s little time when the game starts, you can check out our favorite Operators; it may just help you sweep through any match.
Best Attackers in Rainbow Six Siege

If you’re on the attack end, you need versatile Operators. They must breach fast and hard to get through any map and any defenses. That’s why we have five top picks for the best Operators in Rainbow Six Siege:
- Ace
- Nomad
- Thatcher
- Ram
- Iana
Your main concern is worrying about any of them being banned. Which is why it’s nice to always have a backup.
Rainbow Six Siege Operator – Ace
Need to breach any wall? Then you need Ace who firmly sits as one of the best Operators for tearing through defenses in Rainbow Six Siege. The S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher is practically unmatched. Plus, it has a solid range to keep yourself safe until you tear down the walls. From there, you can storm in, AK-12 in hand, and rip through the defense.
Operator – Nomad
The Airjab Launcher makes Nomad one of the top Operators for attackers in Rainbow Siege Six. As someone busts through walls with the likes of Ace, Nomad can come up from behind and provide optimal cover. The rest of her arsenal is healthy enough to get you through a match.
Operator – Thatcher
A classic yet still good, Thatcher remains one of our favorite Operators in Rainbow Six Siege. You can’t rely on speed with him, but you can expertly utilize his loadout. His EMP grenade alone is borderline OP as it can knock out just about any enemy electronic for a short while.
Rainbow Six Siege Operator – Ram
Ram is one of the newer Operators in Rainbow Six Siege, and she quickly became one of the best. Just look at her BU-GI Auto Breacher. Once you deploy it, the mini tank will tear through almost anything. She’s a perfect breach specialist, especially if you can’t have the likes of Ace.
Rainbow Six Siege Operator – Iana
No matter what happens, Iana’s clones can help the attacking team. The Gemini Replicator doesn’t need to fool the enemy as it will still help her gather information and find them. Plus, if it’s destroyed, that cements the opponent’s location, allowing you to inform the others and reposition yourself if needed.
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On the other side of the fence are the defenders. The best defenders in Rainbow Six Siege can either counter or at least make it more difficult for the enemy Operators to get a foothold. Again, we’ve chosen our five favorite ones, giving you more options in case you get hit by a pre-match ban.
- Smoke
- Kapkan
- Valkyrie
- Solis
- Fenrir
Operator – Smoke
Another classic, Smoke remains one of the best Operators in Rainbow Six Siege for defenders. He’s not too difficult to learn, has a sold weapon, and his kit is useful for slowing enemies down. This makes him ideal for setup. Additionally, his Remote Gas Grenade can get you out of a sticky situation or set the enemy up for more damage from the team.
Rainbow Six Siege Operator – Kapkan
Trap as much as you can when you bring Kapkan into a match. He has average speed, enough to reach entry points and block them off with his Entry Denial Device. Kapkan is equipped with some decent weapons too, but his strongest point is on slowing down and rerouting the enemy.
Operator – Valkyrie
Need to catch enemy locations before they attack? Then you need Valkyrie, one of the best eyes on the defense side in Rainbow Six Siege. The team can tap into Black Eye too, and it’s still one of the most reliable gadgets. Once the enemy breaches, she can hold down the fort well enough too.
Operator – Solis
Solis is another top contender for the best eyes on the defensive team. The SPEC-IO Electro-Sensor is priceless, pinging electronic devices to keep the attackers on the move once they’re revealed. You’re the perfect support for your side.
Operator – Fenrir
Fenrir is steadily becoming one of the most banned Operators in Rainbow Six Siege and for good reason: he’s one of the best defenders. Learn the map so you can stick your F-NATT Dread Mine in a good spot. Once that black smoke hits, it’s a done deal for the attackers.
Our 10 favorite Operators in Rainbow Six Siege should give the opponent a difficult match no matter which side you play on. Take some time to learn how to play them, and be sure to learn more than one so you can quickly adapt to any pre-match bans.
Rainbow Six Siege is available on PC, PlayStation, and