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For fans of games with procedurally generated worlds, finding cool and interesting seeds is a common practice. For games like Minecraft, seeing unique world designs, or giving yourself an advantage spawn using seeds is always a fun thing to try out every once in a while. Terraria, unlike others, goes above and beyond with its seeds, showing off some unique worlds that can even change the fundamental mechanics of the game itself. Here are the 10 best seeds to check out during your next Terraria session.
Drunk World

Seed: 05162020 – 5162020
For the first of Terraria’s secret world seeds, we have Drunk World. This interesting seed will spawn in both kinds of Evil Biomes, as well as all kinds of materials that are generally mutually exclusive. Plus, for the cherry on top, the usual starting Guide NPC is replaced by a Party Girl.
No Traps

Seeds: no traps – notraps
Next up is the secret world seed, No Traps. While this may sound like a peaceful mod at first, trust me when I tell you the name is ironic. In actuality, this map will spawn a ton of extra traps, including Dart Traps, Explosives, and Boulder Traps. If that wasn’t enough, the Boulder Traps can spawn as an even deadlier Bouncing Pink Boulder.
Not The Bees

Seed: not the bees – not the bees!
For the next seed, any Terraria players who love bees should definitely check this secret world out. Referencing the classic performance of Nicholas Cage in The Wickerman, this world will spawn a huge amount of Jungle Biomes. More specifically, tons of Hives will spawn throughout the jungles, giving plenty of opportunities for bees to spawn.
For The Worthy

Seed: for the worthy
For some Terraria veterans, over the years, the game has gotten to be a bit too easy. Luckily, the secret world seed, For The Worthy, will up the challenge. Between increased enemy health and contact damage, already this world is a big step up from a normal seed. You can also expect harder bosses, worse loot, and a secret Legendary World difficulty.
The Constant

Seeds: constant – theconstant – the constant – eye4aneye – eyeforaneye
Mixing things up a bit, this secret Terraria world seed fundamentally changes the mechanics of Terraria, making the entire game more like fellow indie survival game, Don’t Starve. This seed will make the world a bit darker in general, as well as spawning Marble Biomes on the map’s surface. More importantly, this world features a hunger mechanic, requiring players to eat to survive.

Seeds: celebrationmk10 – 05162011 – 5162011 – 05162021 – 5162021
Not all Terraria secret world seeds are extra challenges. The Celebrationmk10 seed will not only throw players a virtual party on spawn but will also give a laundry list of benefits. This includes giving players the best modifiers on items, a higher drop chance of rare items, unique mobs like the Golden Slime, and a brightly colored hue covering the map.
Don’t Dig Up

Seeds: don’t dig up – dont dig up – dontdigup
The Don’t Dig Up seed will reverse the usual progression of Terraria, spawning players in the Underworld, having them start their adventures at the end area of Pre-Hard Mode. Interestingly enough, weapons and items will have their stats reflect this change of starting location, meaning that early-game weapons will be much more powerful than usual.
Get Fixed Boi

Seeds: get fixed boi – getfixedboi
Get Fixed Boi is an interesting seed that combines the previous seeds into one neat package. This seed acts as a combination of all the secret seeds, No traps, Not the Bees, Drunk, Celebration, Constant, Remix, and For the Worthy, providing what could be considered the ultimate Terraria challenge. Plus, players will get a chance to take on a secret boss in this seed, called Mechdusa, which is a combination of all the Mechanical Bosses at the same time.
Easy Dirt Pet

Seed: 1562140810
In Terraria, many players are well aware that some items, weapons, and pets have a ridiculously rare drop chance. One of these items, The Dirtiest Block, only spawns 3-12 times based on world size and is identical to your average dirt blocks. This makes it virtually impossible to find, giving a huge challenge for a simple Dirt Block pet. However, with this seed, all players need to do to find this pet is to walk 25 blocks to the right and dig down to find The Dirtiest Block.
Easy Life Crystals

Seed: 358475011
Grinding for health on a new character and world in Terraria can be a bit of a grind. Spelunking in treacherous caves can feel like a chore when players are constantly hunting for the tiniest sign of a Life Crystal. This seed will cut out this grind, letting players quickly farm up Life Crystals, with two appearing in a cave to the left of spawn. Players can recreate the world as many times as they need to get their infinite source of quick Life Crystals.