Update 0.217.4 has arrived for Valheim, and here are the bug fixes and changes that came with this patch. Valheim keeps adding more playable content and bringing a more stable game experience. The game’s previous update arrived only a few days ago, but the developers don’t stop and focus on making new changes. That isn’t a first for Valheim; the game drops a few updates from time to time. That’s probably because they catch new bugs and problems they want to fix. Here are the patch notes for Valheim update 0.217.4.
Valheim Update 0.217.4 Patch Notes Introducing New Playable Content

New Content:
- New NPC: Hildir the merchant
- New location: Hildir’s camp
- New location: Smouldering tomb (classic dungeon)
- New location: Howling cavern (classic dungeon)
- New location: Sealed tower (open dungeon)
- 3 new mini bosses
- World modifiers button added to start game screen with many customization/difficulty options (select a preset or design your own)
- 8 different Fireworks added (Including Thunderstone and Black Core thrown in the fire)
- New item: Sparkler
- New clothing: 10 hats & headscarves
- New clothing: 14 dresses and tunics
- Black forge extension: Vice Grip
- Magetable extension: Unfading Candle
- New material: Barber kit
- New furniture: Barber station
- New material: Iron pit
- New furniture: Firepit
- 8 new hairstyles
- 5 new beard styles
- 4 new music tracks
Fixes & Improvements:
- Hair and beards are now visible when equipping helmets
- Haldor animations updated
- All fire effects have been overhauled
- Smoke balls created by fires now have random rotation and no longer pop in when spawned
- Added Hugin hints informing the player that traders can be found in the game
- Spawn command can now specify fields
- Fixed a bug which caused level up algorithm to be a bit off depending on when you die
- Reduced lag spike when selecting worlds in the Select World menu by reusing existing world list elements, rather than destroying all and instancing all new ones
- Widened the Manage Saves Menu and show the time of the timestamp
- Retrieve timestamp from file name rather than file metadata if present in the file name. This means moving a file to/from cloud no longer affects the sorting order of files with timestamps in their names
- Fixed oversight that saved unnecessary characters (such as spaces) in an IP address to the server list if the IP address could be parsed successfully
- Chat doesn’t open on Ping anymore
- Resolved chat blocking input for other UI (such as map)
- Fixed issue where minimap pin input field for PC version was getting invisible
- Join code is now hidden when HUD’s visibility is toggled off
- Fixed a bug that had water in caves be affected by wind
- Fixed a bug that could cause the server list to stop working
- Fixed a bug on
Xbox where ticks wouldn’t attach correctly - Opening console now blocks hotbar navigation
- Offline players can now send map pings on
Xbox and MS store version - Fixed missing special characters on signs
- Fixed
Xbox bug which could cause the player to jump while selecting a building piece - Menu usage is now blocked when HUD is hidden
Valheim Update 0.217.4 Patch Notes – Quality of Life:
- Quick stack button and Shift-E to quickly place all items already in a container from your inventory
- You can now manually choose snapping point with Q & E for precision building
- Intro sequence can now be skipped from the pause menu and the game can be paused while in the intro
- Workbench and Forge now get slightly increased build range when upgraded
- Crafting benches’ build range is now cylindrical instead of spherical
- Added another controller scheme, and the ability to hide HUD when using a controller and on
- God mode will now allow damage down to 1 health rather than taking no damage
- New console command “tombstone” which create tombstones
- New itemset ‘base’ and command can specify a number to override all items with that level (i.e. “itemset meadows 4” will give level 4 meadows items)
- New console commands: (tombstone – creates tombstones; resetworldkeys – Resets all world modifiers to default; setworldpreset – Sets world modifiers to a named preset; setworldmodifier – Sets a world modifier value
As you see above, there are a lot of new content and minor changes. It includes new NPCs, shortcuts, controlling changes, and console commands. We can’t name that a significant update, but the number of changes is welcomed. We hope that brings an overall funnier game experience.
Valheim is available on PC,