Telltale’s The Walking Dead: A New Frontier will return next week with episode 4, Thicker than Water, releasing on April 25th. The announcement came alongside a new promotional image for the episode, which displays David being hung by a noose and Tripp and Ava being held at gunpoint by The New Frontier. Will David be killed off? Does Ava turn traitor against The New Frontier? We’ll have to find out on April 25th.
The first two episodes of the game released in December of 2016, with the third releasing in late March of 2017. Thenerdstash’s Jordan Baranowski gave episode 3 a 4/5, stating, “Overall, Above the Law, and The Walking Dead: A New Frontier in general, seem to be trending in the right direction. There are plenty of twists and turns, the characters are all believable and interesting, and I’m still not sure who I can trust or how the story is going to turn out. Hardened, badass Clementine is still a blast to work with, and Javi is a fun protagonist to play as and help shape as the story progresses. This season seems like it’s avoiding some of the problems that plagued the second season of this series, and it appears to be headed towards an explosive finish.”
According to Telltale’s Job Stauffer, the epic conclusion of the season will be episode 5, which will ideally launch sometime in May.
For more on The Walking Dead, you can also check out Thenerdstash’s ongoing reviews of the comic books series. Our last review for Miles Behind Us scored a 3/5. “Overall Miles Behind Us is a solid chapter. The group finally found a place of solace and many characters developed due to the grief they felt.”
For everything on The Walking Dead, stay tuned to