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Marvel is offering a first look at the upcoming Weapon X-Men series, debuting this week. The new series, a spinoff from the Original X-Men one-shot, finds the Phoenix Force in need of some assistance. As Onslaught makes moves to destroy the multiverse, the Phoenix gathers a team to stop them. That team just so happens to be five Wolverine variants from across the multiverse. Now, Marvel is showing off which of Wolverines many forms made the cut.
Weapon X-Men

A preview for Weapon X-Men #1 introduces readers to the five Wolverines that Christos Gage and Yildiray Cinar chose for project Weapon X-Men. It also allows for the Phoenix Force to offer a brief recap of what went down in Original X-Men #1. This Phoenix bonded with a Jean Grey from a different Earth. However, when Magneto was killed, his fears influenced the Phoenix Force and allowed for a new version of Onslaught to be created. Now, the cosmic entity is hoping that a team of only Wolverines can do what the Original X-Men could not; kill Onslaught.
So, who made the cut out of all the possible Wolverines? The previews show that Weapon X-Men consists of Age of Apocalypse Wolverine, Marvel Zombie Wolverine, Old Man Logan, Earth X Logan, and a brand-new variant of the character, Jane Howlett. Of course, so many Wolverines together is sure to lead to some internal conflicts. As the previews introduce the team, it also teases that this new team may not get along so swimmingly. Thankfully, the Phoenix Force is there to quell any potential brawls.
Why This Wolverine?
Clearly this rag-tag group of Wolverines is an odd choice for a Weapon X-Men series. In fact, they are not even the strongest of the clawed-mutant’s variants. Breaking it down, the Age of Apocalypse Logan is not really primed for success having lost both his hand and the woman he loves. Then, the Earth X variant has really let himself go while Old Man Logan is dealing with a lot of mental traumas. The newly introduced Jane Howlett is way underexperienced and Zombie Wolverine is…well dead. Still, you can never count Wolverine out and with five of them running around they have a good shot at stopping Onslaught.
Weapon X-Men #1 kicks off on 03/06.