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It’s safe to say that this Roblox game is the Naruto equivalent of Type Soul. The game features wide and huge open areas filled with hidden items and NPCs. Considering Roblox Shinobi Lineage also offers a deeper Class system than its competitors, it makes finding all Class Trainer locations much harder. While the developer is kind enough to give us a Warp skill from the get-go, pinpointing their exact spots is still a headscratcher.
Before we discuss how to locate the Class Trainers, here’s how you can utilize the Warp skill. Activate Warp by pressing the 1 hotkey, hold the G key until your Mana is 65-85% filled, then click Left Mouse. Once the Kamui portal appears, quickly type the location name listed below into the chatbox without quotes. Hitting warp at 70%-65% charge will teleport you to the right place; above 80% too often, you’ll be teleported to a death trap.
- “deathforest”.
- “desert 1” to “5”.
- “forest 1” to “5”.
- “redgate” (Akatsuki Game Pass exclusive)
- “sigil”.
- “skycastle”.
- “slug”.
- “tundra 1” to “7”.
Fist Class Trainer Locations in Roblox Shinobi Lineage
Thunder Weaver – Sage Tier 1 Super Class

Go to The Dunescape or Desert 1 and look for a blocky hill with a bunch of pointy things sticking out across the warp spot. Head there and climb on top of the stone tower to find him. It will cost you 350 Ryo each to learn these skills:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Lightning Fist | Passive | Increase M1 damage and stun with charged Mana |
Lariat | Active | Lightning dash, ragdolls and cancel Mana for anyone that got hit |
Lightning Drop | Active | AOE lightning slam, ragdolls anyone that got hit |
Rock Lee – Akuma Tier 1 Super Class

Mirage Retreat or Desert 3. Climb the hill behind the two-story building with the sail-like ornament in front of you. Then keep going to your front-left side and climb the steep cliff in The Dunescape. You’ll eventually find a huge bottomless pit with broken wood bridges on top of it. Walk across it and you’ll meet Rock Lee training at the end of the road. Akuma
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Advanced Fist Combat | Passive | Changes your moveset, deals more damage and stun effect |
Ankle Breaker | Active | Hit the opponent once to stun, the second hit will break his leg |
Roaring Tiger | Active | A series of spinning uppercut |
Gut Kick | Active | A spinning kick that will break the opponent’s rib |
Ulric – Monk Tier 2 Ultra Class Trainer Locations

Warp to Tundra 3 and just go along straight into the woods. After you hit a wall, stick to the wall and walk to the left until you see some stairs. Climb the stairs, keep going straight, and eventually you will meet face-to-face with Ulric the Monk. Pay him and you can learn these moves:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Advanced Fist | Passive | Changes your moveset, deals more damage and stun effect |
Monastic Shield | Passive | Conjure a Mana-charged shield that blocks all physical light attacks. Also knocks back and ragdolls anyone who hits the shield |
Fire Fist | Passive | M2 attack deals burn damage with charged Mana |
Might Guy – Oni Tier 2 Ultra Class

Exit the Tundra 3 Snowfield warp point, then take left. Before you reach a bonfire, climb the steep hill to your left between two pine trees. This is gonna be a tall hill to take on though so we suggest starting from the top of the nearest tree. Or get a high-leveled Kunai user to carry you up. If you run out of Mana, you can quickly refill your Mana charge as you fall and quickly grab on again.
Either way, once you’re on top, you’ll find two clothes stands. Hang on the wall behind them and carefully shimmy to the side. Guy the Oni Trainer is hanging around, training on a small pole on the side. Below are the skills you can learn from him:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Roaring Flip M1 | Active | Forward flip that makes you invincible and hits the opponents |
Roaring Flip M2 | Active | Conjure a Mana-charged shield that blocks all physical light attacks. Also knocks back and ragdolls anyone who hits the shield |
Shadow Step | Active | Without charged Mana, do a quick step that hits an enemy. With charged Mana, performs a dodge |
Dosaku | Active | Slams your foot, creates AOE shockwave that executes knocked down and low HP opponents |
Misogi | Active | Press M2 after Roaring Tiger to teleport to the enemy and kicks him down |
Greatsword Class Trainer Locations in Roblox Shinobi Lineage
Zabuza – Tier 1 Super Class

Teleport to Cardinal Passage or Mist 1 and head inside the Hidden Mist Village by crossing the bridge. Zabuza will be chilling in the fourth house to your right, teaching Harbinger moves to anyone willing to pay:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Water Prison | Active | Performs a chakra-infused punch, trapping the target in a bubble for 2-3 seconds |
Water Slash | Active | A chakra-infused slash that deals heavy damage and slightly stuns |
Zabuza – Tier 2 Ultra Class

Exit the Tundra 3 spawn location and keep hugging the cliff on your right until you see a giant, opened gate. Climb the cliff or the gate carefully as they are pretty steep and will cost quite a lot of Mana. Use the gate’s edges as a resting spot if needed. Once on top, look to your right for a small cave where Zabuza the Executioner Teacher chills alone. Below are the skills you can learn from him:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Chest Crusher | Active | Grabs an enemy and slams him into the ground repeatedly |
Water Whip | Active | Lunges forward and attacks the enemy with water-based chakra, knocking them and dealing heavy damage |
Cataclysm | Active | 3 times spinning attack that deals knockback damage |
Katana Class Trainer Locations in Roblox Shinobi Lineage
Sang – Tier 1 Super Class

Warp to Desert 4 or The Desert’s Sentinel and get out of the bar. Go to the door behind a building and scale the wall to the left. Reach the top and run straight until you see a Jr’s Dojo sign. Carefully drop down, enter the building, and pay Sang the Ronin Trainer 150 Ryo for each move:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
White Lotus | Active | A piercing attack that injures and knocks back an enemy |
Triple Slash | Active | Perform 3 slash attacks on an enemy |
Dismantle Strike | Active | Unsheates your blade and sends out a flurry of cuts |
Roni – Tier 2 Ultra Class

Teleport to Tundra 7 and turn around, run past the gate and keep going forward. Once you reach a tall stone pillar with black patterns on it, climb the wall to your right. Reach the top, and enter the corridor, run past the clothes stand and the door. Roni the Samurai Trainer is sitting comfy to the left of the door. These are the skills you can purchase from him:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Tatsumaki | Active | Upwards slash and slam down the target |
Samurai Thrust | Active | Rushes forward, any enemy that made contact is barraged by afterimages |
Kunai Class Trainer Locations in Roblox Shinobi Lineage
Sang – Duelist / Spy Tier 1 Super Class

Another Trainer that can be found easily via The Dunescape or Desert 1. After you’ve teleported there, go down the cliff backward. Run past the bridge-like rock structures while still sticking to the left-side cliffs; eventually, you’ll find a small gap among the cliffs. Head inside and you’ll find The Duelist Trainer standing alone, menacingly. Pay him 150 Ryo for each lesson to learn these moves:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Art of the Duel | Passive | Allows you to buy and use a Rapier |
Swift Movements | Active | Stabs an enemy twice, knocking him back |
Zefar – Faceless and Shinobi Tier 1 Super Class

From the Desert 4 warp or The Desert’s Sentinel, get out of the bar. Go straight past the door until you reach the Doctor’s entrance and a wooden platform to your right. Climb the wall in front of the platform until you reach a small opening where Zefar is. Sometimes it’s blocked by a secret door, simply click on it or press the E key to open it.
Faceless Man – Tier 2 Ultra Class

Go to the Snowfields village via the Tundra 4 warp. The Faceless Man is on the second floor of the building with two torches in front of it.
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Chain Lethality | Passive | Lethality that lands will spread around |
Shadow Dashes | Passive | With charged Mana dash effect turns into a shadow effect |
Shadow Fan | Active | Throw 7 shadow daggers forward, hitting an enemy will teleport you behind him |
Void Strike | Active | Dagger thrust that breaks block and knocks enemy back |
Shadow Shuriken | Active | Throws a shuriken that stuns target |
X – Shinobi Tier 2 Ultra Class

Warp to Tundra 3 and then turn back. Yep, that stone is a hidden door that you can just get through; welcome to The Hidden Sound. Keep going straight until you reach the snake statue. Take a right then a left into the third corridor, and look to your right once you reach the dead end. You should find a small, black door on your right; enter it to find X sitting behind a snake statue. Pay him some moolah to learn the ways of a true Shinobi. Believe it:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Feather Fall | Passive | Take less fall damage |
Rising Wind | Active | Launch and ragdoll your target |
Grapple | Active | Throw a grappling hook. Can be comboed with Rising Wind |
Shadowflicker M1 | Active | Dashing slash, breaks block and knocks enemy back |
Shadowflicker M2 | Active | After a Grapple at an enemy, perform a spinning slash towards him |
Shadowflicker (Aerial) | Active | Downwards spinning slash from the air |
Shuriken Throw | Active | Throws 3 shuriken, following your cursor aim |
Zelo – Fencer Tier 2 Ultra Class

Head to Mount Gelu or Tundra 5 warp point and head inside the Northern Sanctuary building. Keep going straight past the statue, take a left, then take a right towards a long corridor. Zelo can be seen looking cool staring out the window and will teach you the next step of the Duelist class, the Fencer.
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Needle’s Eye | Active | A piercing lunge that deals a barrage of damage at target hit |
Elegant Dance | Active | Performs a flurry of slashes |
Agile Step | Active | Performs a quick dash |
Ryo Guard | Active | Gains 20% defense by spending Ryo |
Scythe Class Trainer Locations in Roblox Shinobi Lineage
Hidan – Tier 1 Super Class

From Desert 1 warp spawn point, The Dunescape, climb the hill behind you. Although you don’t have to actually climb it– simply walk and keep jumping towards it. You can get to the top without having to charge Mana. Then climb the hill beside the cliff with zig-zagging blocks.
Keep walking until the end of the corridor where there’s a giant boulder blocking your way. Turn off your Warp and click on the boulder; it will start puffing black smoke and go away. Sometimes you can also get teleported right in front of it which will save time. Head inside to the Red Cloud Base and climb the cliff to the right of the Gedo Mazo statue. Hidan is sitting on top across a campfire. He’ll teach you these skills for a price:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Blood Wringer | Passive | All moves and weapon attacks give you blood |
Death Possession Blood | Active | Summon a circle that speeds up your health regen, duration depends on how much blood you have |
Scythe Pull | Active | Stun an opponent and pull them towards you with the second hit |
Hidan – Tier 2 Ultra Class

First, teleport to The Snowfields or Tundra 7. Look to your right and there should be a number of horn-like structures sticking out from the ground. Climb the hill behind them and you will find Hidan on top. These are the skills you can learn once you’ve become a true Apostle of Jashin:
Skill Name | Type | Desccription |
Blood Swing | Active | An upswing move that ragdolls your opponent |
Bloodstorm Dance | Active | A 360 degree slash that will ragdoll your opponents |
Spear Class Trainer Locations in Roblox Shinobi Lineage
Mortis – Tier 1 Super Class

Keep warping until you reach the Hidden Mist Village or Cardinal Passage. From the warp spawn point or Hidden Mist entrance, head northwest. You should find a small building with a dead tree in front of it.
You know you’ve come to the right place if the Dragon Church notification appears on your screen. Go inside and you should meet Mortis the Dragon Knight Spear Trainer. Here are the skills you can learn from him by paying 350 Ryo:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Triple Stab | Active | Perform a flurry of quick stabs at an enemy |
Serpent Strike | Active | Heavy strike that knocks back the opponent |
Crusader / Conrad – Tier 2 Ultra Class

For the Tier 2 Trainer, you must go to the Skycastle area. From the spawn point, enter the building, go to the second floor, and cross the bridge. Across the bridge, enter Vincent’s bar but ignore the barkeep; instead, go to the other room on his left. Conrad the Crusader should be standing behind a pillar near an armor stand. For a sum of cash, a Dragon Knight will be able to learn these:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Spear Lunge | Active | Long-range dash and piercing stab move that ends with a slash |
Dragon Crush | Active | Heavy strike that deals huge damage |
Dragon Rise | Active | The user soars into the sky, a mobility move |
Dragon Fall | Active | Leaps into the air and performs an AOE slam, deals heavy stun to enemies and user |
Sword Class Trainer Locations in Roblox Shinobi Lineage
Felar – Tier 1 Super Class

Warp to Forest 2 Greenwood area and you should appear in the middle of some sort of colosseum ruins. From there, take a left and use the tree trunk as a makeshift bridge until you reach the huge tree. Drop down to the small footing below and walk around it to find Felar the Templar Knight Trainer living comfy inside the tree hollow. He’ll ask for 150 Ryo per lesson to teach you these skills:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Earth Charge | Active | Coats your sword with Earth element, adding bonus M1 damage |
Fire Charge | Active | Coats your sword with Fire element, adding burn effect on M1 attacks |
Thunder Charge | Active | Coats your sword with Thunder element, adding bonus stun on M1 attacks |
Adrenaline Rush | Active | Increase attack speed for a short time |
Templar Knight Commander – Tier 2 Ultra Class

From Tundra 5 warp spawn, cross the bridge straight to Mount Gelu. Once you’re out of the bridge you should immediately find a building called Northern Sanctuary. Head inside until you see a statue, take a right, and then walk down the stairs and go behind them. Templar Knight Commander is standing ready below a fancy painting and ready to teach any Templar Knight these skills:
Skill Name | Type | Description |
Earth Charged Blow | Active | Stabs the sword into the ground, creating forward-moving spikes that ragdoll enemies |
Fire Charged Blow | Active | Forward slash that summons a fireball that ignites and knocks back enemies |
Thunder Charged Blow | Active | When Thunder Charge is active, perform a forward strike with a stun effect |
Wind Charged Blow | Active | Slash the ground and summon a tornado that lifts enemies. Solace’s Sword exclusive |
Double Cleave | Active | A 2 swift sword slashes move |
Roblox Shinobi Lineage is available for PC, Mobile, PlayStation, and