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In Alan Wake 2, players will encounter various inexplicable and dangerous things. Therefore, to survive this nightmare, you must collect all the loot that you can find on your way. However, some of the items are hidden in Cult Stashes scattered throughout the map. Some have combination locks, while others require you to find the key. Let’s break down how to find the Streamside Stash Key and earn some goods in the process.
How To Get to the Streamside Cult Stash

The Stramside Cult Stash can be opened quite early in the game. You can find it while searching for Nightingale or after defeating him. The Stash is located next to Crow’s Foot Hill, and has a clue on it, namely a piece of paper with a light bulb drawn on it. As always, this may seem like something complicated, but in reality, it’s quite simple.
How To Get the Streamside Stash Key

So, to find the Streamside Stash Key in Alan Wake 2, you need to use a flashlight and follow the arrows. Some trees near this Cult Stash have yellow arrows painted on them. They reflect light very well, so you can easily find them with a flashlight.
Follow the arrows until you reach an arrow pointing down. Below it, on the rock, you can pick up the Streamside Stash Key. After this, you will need to return following the arrows in reverse order.
By opening the Streamside Cult Stash you will find several useful consumables, namely a Hand Flare, Shotgun Ammo, and Trauma Pad. There is also a note attached to the inside of the box that says that the Cult is watching right now. Fortunately, this does not trigger the appearance of any enemies, so the note is more of a warning.
That’s all you need to know about where to find the Streamside Stash Key in Alan Wake 2. The key is quite close, and you just need to use your flashlight. In the meantime, please take a look at our guide on how to get the Bolt Cutters.
Alan Wake 2 is available for PC, PlayStation, and