With the release of the launch trailer for Whisker Squadron: Survivor, fans of on-rails shooters have something to celebrate. Whisker Squadron is being developed by Flippfly, the team behind 2013’s Race the Sun. Whereas Race the Sun stuck to simple geometric graphics, Whisker Squadron embraces a bolder visual style. The trailer is full of neon and explosions that would feel right at home in any retro arcade cabinet. Whisker Squadron: Survivor is scheduled for an early access Steam release on August 21. If the trailer is anything to judge by, fans have a lot to look forward to when it does.
Why Whisker Squadron: Survivor Looks Promising

The hand-animated trailer is eye-catching, evoking classic anime as much as it does Star Fox cutscenes. The Star Fox comparison is one the team at Flippfly is happy to embrace, but Whisker Squadron: Survivor is more than just a cheap imitation. Fusing the traditional mechanics of an on-rails shooter with the randomized power pickups and customization of a roguelike, Flippfly’s newest game seeks to carve a path all its own. Procedural world? Check. Unlockable pilots, weapons, and perks? Check. Action-packed runs against swarms of enemies? Check. The game raises high hopes.
Fans of anthropomorphic space combat cheered for Star Fox Zero, but the genre has been mostly quiet since. Whisker Squadron: Survivor may be just the game to rekindle fans’ love of pretty explosions and breakneck speeds. Race the Sun maintains an overall Steam ranking of Very Positive, and Flippfly’s newest entry looks poised to do even better. If the characters’ personalities shine in the game as much as their ships do, Whisker Squadron: Survivor might be the next franchise to see its characters crossover into other games.
It’s obvious the team at Flippfly believes in their game, so much so that they’re already working on a second game set in the same universe. Though it only has a working title (Whisker Squadron) and a 2024 release date, it’s an encouraging sign. Balancing roguelikes is notoriously difficult, and only time will tell if Flippfly’s newest game is up to the challenge. Let’s hope Flippfly can pull it off.
Whisker Squadron: Survivor will launch August 21 in early access on Steam.