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There are a handful of different types of currency in MultiVersus, like Fighter Currency and Perk Currency, but there’s another to keep an out for and that’s Prestige Points. Unlike, say, Gleamium, Prestige Points are nowhere to be found within the game’s store. You may have even been given some when you booted up the game, assuming you participated in the beta. MultiVersus spells out how you get Prestige Points in-game and they’re linked to cosmetics, but it doesn’t go into greater detail than that.
MultiVersus: What Are Prestige Points?
Like every live-service game, MultiVersus has a storefront with an exhausting list of cosmetics to purchase. You’ve got character skins (called variants), emotes, ringouts, taunts, banners, announcer packs, profile icons, and badges. Whenever you purchase said items, you’ll receive Prestige Points. You cannot buy Prestige Points outright from the store.
The amount you receive does vary, though, and it’s based on a cosmetic item’s rarity. For example, a common cosmetic item will yield fewer points than a “legendary” cosmetic item.
One important thing to note is that Prestige Points aren’t just earned from you opening your wallet. You also earn Prestige Points whenever you obtain cosmetic items from, say, the in-game battlepass.
If you aren’t sure how many Prestige Points you have, you can do so by checking out the Prestige cosmetics tab in the store or by selecting your currencies in the top-right corner.
MultiVersus: How to Get Prestige Points Fast and Easy
Since the amount of Prestige Points vary based on a cosmetic item’s rarity, the quickest and easiest way to get them is by opening your wallet and purchasing legendary-rarity cosmetics. For example, Uncle Shagworthy is a legendary variant.
Character packs are also something to consider. If you’re already set on maining, say, Superman, then you can knock out two birds with one stone and pick up the Shining Kryptonian Hero pack.

With that said, if you aren’t keen on spending any money on MultiVersus (I wouldn’t blame you) or very little, then I suggest unlocking tiers of the battlepass. I got a few Prestige Points just from collecting the Queen of Calamity profile icon!
If you’re a returning player, you can actually get the Season 1 Battlepass for free as long as you log in before June 11, 2024. Keep in mind battlepasses still need to be bought in the future (or if you miss the deadline), but it’s significantly cheaper than the other route.